Flood Buckets and Hygiene Kits
The Michigan District LERT leaders are also asking congregations/ministries in the Michigan District to consider assembling Flood Buckets and Hygiene Kits (PDF format). This PDF explains more about the buckets/kits and how you can support our efforts. This could be a project for your families to either do at home or gather materials for assembling them when we are able to gather together in smaller groups. We have several organizations in our state that are in need of these buckets/kits.
We currently have volunteers who are able to pick up assembled buckets/kits the third week in June. Please contact Bruce Collins (bscollins27@gmail.com) to let him know the number of buckets/kits you will have available for pick-up. If you have questions, you can email Bruce or Travis Grulke at travis.grulke@michigandistrict.org.