April 16th, 2020
Happy Easter! It has been almost a month since we have been able to worship together amid the changes that have taken place due to the Coronavirus pandemic. In a short time, we have modified our method of worship and teaching to be able to continue to provide worship, support services, and schooling. We are blessed to have a pastor and staff that implemented plans immediately and have continued to develop new strategies.
Church Council met via an online meeting (Zoom) on Monday, April 13th. This was new for all of us in these unprecedented times. As a result of that discussion and actions voted upon by Council, I would like to give you an update on what has been happening over the last month.
Pastor Paul and Aaron Rohde implemented and continue to provide worship services via Facebook Live and YouTube. These services will continue until we can meet again in person. These services are also uploaded to our YouTube page to watch a later time and can all be accessed using the provided links on our website.
Pastor Paul and the Elders developed a plan to reach out to all church families to check-in on their spiritual, mental, physical, and financial health. During this time, if you need any assistance, please contact Pastor or your Elder. Our church has access to resources and support networks that can help in times of need.
Teachers have implemented and continue to conduct distance learning for our entire school – Preschool through 8th Grade! We are thankful for a dedicated staff and for actively involved parents that continue to support a Christ-centered education! It has been amazing to see the Trinity family pull together during this crisis to help support each other.
We continue to update our website including adding teacher pages, weekly church bulletins, and blog posts.
In addition to picking up mailed-in tithes and offerings, we have initiated an on-line giving platform through Tithe.ly that is accessible via our website. This is another avenue for people to give back to the Lord. What a blessing to be able to give during this time!
Our overall giving has suffered due to not being able to attend worship in person. There is a great need for continued support of our ministry and school. Pastor and teachers continue to work and are available to assist our church and school families. They are a blessing to our church and school!
Church Council made some difficult personnel decisions by approving a reduction of salaried workers’ pay by 10% even as they continue to work. All hourly employees have had their hours reduced to zero. All health insurance continues to be maintained.
Church Council did approve a motion to apply for the Small Business Administration’s (SBA) Payroll Protection Program that was part of the CARES Act. This has been approved and deposited as of today, April 16th! This loan is forgivable when payroll, health insurance, utilities, and mortgage interest. This will help ensure certainty for our church and school during this unprecedented time.
Pastor will continue to provide Daily Devotions on our Facebook page. He continues to encourage and support our families through his work.
The April Quarterly Voters’ Meeting will be canceled and rescheduled for another time.
Thank you for your prayers and support for our church and school! Please do not hesitate to contact Pastor Paul or your Elder with any needs or questions. We are all here to serve you! To God be the Glory!
Rich Saladin, Council Vice-President